2021 – what’s next?
Wow, it’s been a while since my last blogpost! I think that’s because I have a podcast now as well. It’s the place where I
Wow, it’s been a while since my last blogpost! I think that’s because I have a podcast now as well. It’s the place where I
Where are all my high-ambitious self-optimizing overachievers who belong to the 5am club? Just kidding… But honestly: For years I thought to be successful
When I was younger I always said that I never wanted to be self-employed because I thought that means owning some kind of firm or
„Should I quit my job?“„When should I quit my job?“ Questions a lot of you probably have asked yourself at least once in your life,
… and would choose to do so again every single day. Independence: No one tells me what to do and how to do it, I
Imagine you had a life you don’t need a vacation from… What would that look like? Where would you live?What would you do for work?What
On Instagram I asked you what topics you’d be interested to read about on my blog and I got a few people asking me about
First of all: This will probably be the longest blogpost I’ve ever written but please make sure to read it all if you want to
Auf diesem Blog teile ich meine Gedanken rund um die Themen Achtsamkeit, Reisen, Natur, Mindset, Arbeiten und Gesundheit.
Als Selbstständige unterstütze ich andere Solo-Selbstständige und kleine Unternehmen beim Aufbau ihrer eigenen Website sowie Onlineshops beim Pinterest Marketing.