
5am Club?!

Where are all my high-ambitious self-optimizing overachievers who belong to the 5am club? Just kidding…⁣ ⁣ But honestly: For years I thought to be successful you need to get up super early and hustle as if there’s no tomorrow. Personally I’m someone who naturally wakes… Weiterlesen »5am Club?!

Shift your mindset.

How I got to where I am? Taking risks, travelling to the other side of the world, always being open for new experiences, learning new skills all the time, opening doors I didn’t know were there,…?⁣ I shifted my mindset. Growing up we learn a… Weiterlesen »Shift your mindset.


So many of us believe in the misconception of not being „enough“ or not having „enough“. ⁣⁣It’s so deeply anchored in us, we don’t even question it.⁣⁣I ask you to question it:⁣⁣Can you love yourself right here, right now, and accept yourself with all your… Weiterlesen »Enough.