Jump and the net will appear.
The safety net won’t appear BEFORE you make the big step you’re too scared to make, it appears AFTER you did.
I made that experience over and over and over again in the past. I did a lot of things without exactly knowing what’s gonna happen, how my life would go on, how to support myself and so on.
Whenever I let go, followed my intuition and allowed me to do what felt right to me, everything magically fell into place.
Doors opened, opportunities appeared, I met the right people at just the right time, I got the next job offer or other opportunities to support me financially like starting my own online business.
However, all these things would have never come into my life had I stayed where I was at the time without taking a risk, without knowing what’s gonna happen next.
You will have to come to a point where you have to leave behind the safety of comfort and what you know and you have to take that jump into the unknown, even if you can’t see the net to catch you yet.
Creating the life of your dreams never comes without risks, without fear. A lot of people who now live the life of their dreams didn’t even know what they were doing during the process and didn’t even know if everything would work out the way they planned – and often it doesn’t, it often works out even better and always just right.
If you let go and surrender to the flow of life, you just might end up exactly where you should be.
For your health.
I already talked about the benefits of going vegan for the animals and for our planet.