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Bali: Vegan & Vegan-Friendly Café/Restaurant Recommendations


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After spending the past 3 months in Canggu, Bali, I would like to share with you the places I’ve eaten at to give you some ideas about where to go for food if you’re vegan and plan on visiting Bali. I also got inspired by others who shared their experiences with vegan cafés and restaurants while staying in Bali. I think it’s super helpful and I’m always grateful to find some recommendations when travelling to a new place.

Just so you know: To most of the more „fancy“ cafés and restaurants I got invited but not to all of them.

However, about 90% of the time while staying here I just went to the Warungs which offer local Indonesian food because it is super cheap and delicious. From my experience I can say that it’s way cheaper to eat out here in Bali than to cook at home – if you avoid going to the fancier more expensive places too often, of course.

So I’m starting this list with 3 of my favourite Warungs. I also went to a lot of really small local food places where you can get a meal for even under 1€ but I cannot remember all the names. Plus it’s not really necessary to mention them as they can easily be found everywhere. Btw, I never got the „Bali Belly“ problems even when eating street food but everyone is different so just be careful, also with the ice cubes in drinks because some places might use tap water. I myself wasn’t too careful with anything, I guess I was just lucky.

Warung Bu Mi

Warung Varuna

Warung Pande Vegetarian

All these 3 Warungs are located in Canggu and are pretty similar. You can either order a meal like Nasi Goreng, Mi Goreng or other traditional Indonesian dishes or you can choose from the buffet what I always do. The buffets are paradise for vegans as they have so many vegan options like veggies, tofu and tempeh. At those places you can get a lot of food for so little money, I never pay more than maximum 2-3€.

The Loft

This was the first fancy restaurant I went to. I heard a lot about it before and did not get disappointed. Both the waffles and the avocado bread was super yummie. The restaurant is located at the busiest street in Canggu so it’s quite loud but the atmosphere is cozy anyway.

District Canggu

This place is amazing, you can get everything your heart desires – burgers, fries, curries, dessert,.. I went there for dinner but you can also get brunch there I’ve seen and I bet it’s just as good as the dinner I had there.

The Avocado Factory

This is where I probably had the most amazing brunch ever. I haven’t eaten a lot of avocados in Bali as they’re quite expensive to buy and also because I didn’t prepare a lot of food myself at home. At this place all the meals include avocado or at least most of them do. Sounds incredible, doesn’t it? Even though there are so many special avocado dishes, my favourite probably still was the avocado bread because bread is simply the best thing to eat avocados with in my opinion.


This restaurant belongs to The Chillhouse – a surf and yoga resort. I haven’t stayed at that resort but I know of friends who did and loved it. The restaurant itself is super beautiful, there even is a pool you can use. I loved that it is not directly at the busy street as a lot of other restaurants in Canggu which means that you’re away from the traffic noises.

Peloton Supershop

Peloton is one of the oldest restaurants of this kind and also probably the most famous one in Canggu.It’s easy to see why, the food is delicious, especially the burgers are so special. I also loved the atmosphere there, you can also sit outside on a balcony. At dinner time it was just super romantic, so I can also recommend this place if you want to take someone out for a date.

Two Trees Eatery

This restaurant is super beautiful, sobright and welcoming, I loved the atmosphere. The food is so healthy, the meals come with lots of greens. Even the cocktails come with healthy ingredients such as dragonfruits. So if you feel like having some alcohol but feel like balancing out with something healthy, this is the place to go, haha.

Clean Canteen

Clean Canteen is run by two Germans and the staff is super friendly. It’s not directly in Canggu but closer to Seminyak. To be honest, this has probably been my favourite restaurant when it comes to vegan food so it’s totally worth driving there. The wrap with vegan mayonnaise is too good to be true and the potato chips are unbelievable. And don’t get me started about the cake.. Another thing that stood out for me are the portion sizes. In most places the portions are not that big, especially when it comes to desserts, but at this place I actually almost couldn’t finish everything.

Luigi’s Hot Pizza

The place to go in Canggu when you’re craving a good pizza! The pizzas are just as I like them, not too small and with a good crunchy crust. It’s not a vegan place but you can easily get a good vegan pizza there. My non-vegan housemates have been ordering pizza there a lot, too. It’s also another place where you can get some special exotic cocktails. Luigi’s is located next to Deus – The Temple Of Enthusiasm so if you go there at night and feel like going out, you can just go next door where they often have life music.

Tasty Vegan Poppies

Another place which is not located in Canggu. I stumbled over it when strolling through Kuta so I couldn’t resist going in there and getting a pizza. It’s a cute little restaurant located in a small street so it’s not very busy and very relaxed to eat there. They also have all the ther good stuff such as fries or burgers. I also loved the deco at this place which is super cute and all about going vegan, they seem to be very passionate about veganism there.

Mad Pops Bali

An all-vegan ice cream place – do I even need to say more? Getting some ice-cream at Mad Pops is a MUST if you’re ever in Canggu. It’s not the cheapest place but so worth it! My favourite flavour? Salty-caramel!

And last but not least, 3 places where I didn’t take pictures, haha. I still wanna mention them as I absolutely loved all of them:


This restaurant belongs to the Serenity Eco Guesthouse where friends of mine have been staying in Canggu. It’s more of a yoga place where you can even do a yoga teacher training. So if you’re into yoga, definitely check it out. The food there is simply amazing, you can get everything the vegan heart desires: smoothie bowls, salads, desserts, curries,.. and it’s all super healthy.

Taman Nauli

This place is so cozy and romantic with lots of greens around which makes you feel as if you’re in the middle of the jungle and not close to the city. It actually is located a bit outside of Canggu which is great as the atmosphere there is very calm and chilled. It’s not an all-vegan place but they have good vegan options. To be honest I didn’t eat a lot when I was there, just a snack, as I wasn’t very hungry but from what I’ve seen, all the food is amazing and I found a lot of things for me to order on the menu.

Sizzle Wraps

We went there for a friends birthday dinner which definitely was a good choice! Before going there I wasn’t sure if they have a lot of vegan options but you can actually get ALL the dishes in vegan – burritos, nachos, wraps, tostadas and more. It’s not even a big fancy place, looks more like a street food place. It’s small and you’re sitting outside. This is why I was so positively surprised that they offer all the food as vegan version.

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