
You want to be vegan but „it’s too complicated and time-consuming“?

Another reason that people bring up is that it’s too complicated and time-consuming to prepare vegan food and that they aren’t good at cooking anyway. I myself am no gourmet cook. For about 95% of my meals I don’t even use recipes, I just throw together what I have in the kitchen. 😀 But if you use the simple healthy foods like rice, potatos, vegetables,.. that I mentioned in my last post you can’t really do anything wrong with this method. I just use recipes sometimes when I really want to make something special (mostly when I cook for others) and for baked goods. Even vegan baking is not more complicated than baking with animal products though. If you are a person that needs recipes for cooking just buy a vegan cookbook or look online for simple recipes. Meanwhile there are thousands of them. 😉

This is not a recipe blog but anyway I want to give you some inspiration of the simple vegan meals I’m talking about as I don’t have anything left to say about this topic. I will just share with you photos of some of my vegan meals below..


oatmeal with fruit


spaghetti with guacamole & tomatos

Weiterlesen »You want to be vegan but „it’s too complicated and time-consuming“?

You want to be vegan but „being vegan is too expensive“?

At the moment I’m still studying and I turned vegan while being a student as well. For me it’s no problem to afford living vegan and I live on a veeery low budget, I can tell you. 😉 I never understand when people that even have more than double the money I have say that they can’t afford it. For me I can say that I even spend less money on food as I don’t buy expensive things like cheese (if you don’t buy the cheapest one..) and fish anymore.


Weiterlesen »You want to be vegan but „being vegan is too expensive“?

You want to be vegan but you „have no discipline for being vegan“?

First of all: I thought about making some posts about the most common reasons people bring up for not being vegan. And I’m talking about people that actually think being vegan is the right choice, understand what it’s about and who admire vegans as I was one of those myself. So I’m not talking about reasons like „humans are naturally carnivores“. 😀

So, this one is about discipline.

I always though vegans need a lot of discipline to resist all the delicious „temptations“ that are out there. I thought I could never do it because it’s too hard to say goodbye to all the stuff I ate before. And it is true: I am not a person with the most discipline when it comes to eating. I mean, I didn’t eat crap before becoming vegan, in fact I was eating quite healthy with lots of fruit, vegetables, oatmeal,.. well, healthy for an omnivor diet when I still thought milk is good for you. 😉 And I guess I had a little advantage in adopting to a healthy vegan diet because of that. But I couldn’t do things like cutting out lactose or gluten for a week just to try if it changes something for example. And I didn’t really want to because I was quite crazy about discipline in eating/not eating when I was younger (the usual struggles of a young woman..) and I didn’t want to get this unhealthy relationship with food back again.

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Aurora Borealis.

During my months abroud in Sweden I decided to go on a trip to lapland with some other people. In winter semester the university organizes a big trip for all students who want to go but we were there in summer semester. We didn’t want to miss going there since being in Sweden anyway so we booked a guided tour with Scanbalt ExperienceAt first we thought about going there on our own but I think it’s quite hard in Lapland without a guide and with just a few days time to see as much as possible. It was quite cheap for such a tour as well and at first we were a little sceptical but everything worked out just fine.

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A capital that doesn’t feel like a capital.

When I was in Sweden I went to Denmark one day with a small group of people from university. We went there with two lecturers who know the city very well and who could show us a lot of places. They could tell us some historical facts about them as well. From Kristianstad in Sweden it is only about one hour with the train to get there. I was really excited to cross the Øresund Bridge to Denmark. It’s a very special bridge that is half under the water and it separates Denmark from Sweden.

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